Asset Integrity & Engineering
Asset Integrity & Engineering Group of OISD is a nodal agency lending necessary support to all the other groups in OISD on technical matters besides making new standards and revision of existing engineering standards on the basis of technical developments/ advancements. Following are the areas of work of the group:
External Safety Audit (ESA)
EThe Group provides support to upstream, cross country Pipelines and downstream groups in OISD to carry out external safety audits (ESA). The concerned member from the engineering group looks into the safety features in Design, Construction, and Operation & Maintenance mainly besides verifying the efficacy of fire & safety & detection system in place.
Pre - Commissioning Safety Audits (PCSA)
Pre-commissioning Safety Audits of new facilities in downstream installations are carried out on the basis of structured OISD check lists and walk through observations. Carrying out of internal safety audit by muti-disciplinary groups, filling up of OISD checklist and certification that all project work is over and installation is ready for commissioning are precursors to Pre-Commissioning Safety Audit by OISD.
Accident Analysis
Asset Integrity & Engineering Group is also involved for investigation of major fires and accidents in upstream, cross country Pipelines and downstream groups of OISD to bring out factors responsible for occurrence of various types of incidents and suggest remedial measures to prevent recurrence. Case studies are presented at various forums for dissemination.
Development and revision of OISD Standards
The Group facilitates preparation of new standards as well as revision of existing OISD standards taking into consideration international standards such as IEC, ASME API and NFPA etc. to help the oil industry to follow common safety norms.
Safety Workshops
Asset Integrity & Engineering Group facilitates such workshops in close coordination with industry. Industry members are encouraged to share and disseminate experiences and knowledge through presentation of papers, case studies and discussions.
In-house publication
The group contributes towards publishing of house journal “News Letterâ€. Industry's experience in fire & safety and technical advancements are shared through this effort.