Incident Guidelines


Revision:01 Dated 22/12/2021

1First Information Report (FIR)
Preliminary incident report of all major incident defined below  shall be reported to OISD at the earliest through electronics means and telephone and in the FIR format within 24 hrs. from the time of incident.
2Form-2, 3 (PNG Rules 2008) for Offshore
The operator shall intimate the occurrence of accident listed in rule 11 of Petroleum and Natural Gas (Safety in Offshore Operations) Rules, 2008 by electronics means and telephone and shall also within twenty-four hours of every such occurrence give notice thereof in Form 2 & 3. Note 1
3Quarterly Summary Report
Quarterly incident report containing details of the following to be submitted to OISD within 45 days from the end of the quarter
  • Number of unsafe act, unsafe conditions, near miss, injuries, minor, major incident
  • Number of accidents reported against sub rule 1 and 3 of rule 11 of PNG Rule 2008, for offshore installations,
  •  Lost Man days, million-man hour worked
  • Number of HSE related incidents (as defined in sl. no. 6 given below)
4Incident Reporting Format
Details of minor incident and High Potential near miss (as decided by industry/ asked by OISD) to be provided along with quarterly summary report in the Incident Reporting Format.
5Incident Investigation Report
All major onsite incident should be mandatorily investigated by the Company concerned. Internal Investigation Report (IIR) of such investigation should be submitted by industry within one month from the date of incident.

Other Incidents

In addition to incidents reported under sl. no. 1 given above, HSE related incidents reported to any Ministry and/ or any of the statutory bodies (PESO, DGMS, DISH (Factory Inspectorate), ICG, CPCB/ SPCB, Inspectorate of Factories and Boilers, PNGRB etc.) shall also be forwarded to OISD in the format as submitted to these authorities . Note 2

Note1: Incident Reported under this category shall be classified as:

a)       Major Accidents: Accidents which falls in the category as per clause no 1.1 given below.

b)       Dangerous occurrence:  Remaining incident reported

Note2: Incident Reported under this category shall be classified as:

a)       Major Incidents: Accidents which falls in the category as per clause no 1.1 given below.

b)       Minor incident: Remaining incident reported


     1.1      Major Incident: An incident shall be treated as Major if any of the following occurs (Reference: Appendix ‘A, Disaster Management Plan (DMP) 2021, Government of India Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, revised in September 2021):

a)     Any incident of fire not extinguished in 15 minutes.

b)     Any incident on account of explosion/ blowout/ radioactive (leakage or loss).

c)     Any incident causing shutdown of operation(s) for more than eight hours.

d)     Any incident causing financial loss above Rs. 50 lakhs.

e)     Any incident within unit/ installation premises leading to fatality(s).

f)      Any incident within unit/ installation premises, leading to permanent loss of body part and/ or permanent disability.

g)     Any incident causing major loss of containment and having adverse impact outside the plant/ location premises including disaster defined under Section 2 (d) of Disaster Management Act 2005.

h)     Cumulative lost time, due to incident (within unit/ installation premises) is more than 45 man-days.

i)       Any incident of road accidents (during transportation of petroleum products) resulting in fire/ explosions which in turn leads to fatality(s).

Additionally, any incident not covered above but which gets reported in the National media within 24 hours of the occurrence shall also be reported.

Guiding Note:

a) Unit/ installation premises also includes, area under control of Occupier/ Mines Manager, project sites (including grass root), pipeline RoU (for incident related to pipeline), Rig under transport etc.

b) Petroleum product also includes crude, hydrogen, natural gas (CNG, LNG etc.), and petrochemicals.

       1.2      Notice of accident for offshore:

       (1)   The operator shall intimate the occurrence of (Reference: rule 11 of Petroleum and Natural Gas (Safety in Offshore Operations) Rules, 2008):

a)     an accident causing loss of life or serious bodily injury in connection with offshore operation;

b)     an explosion;

c)     a blowout;

d)     a major fire;

e)     a bursting of any pipeline or equipment, piping containing hydrocarbon, steam, compressed air or other substance whereby safety of persons is likely to be endangered

f)      a breakage or fracture or failure of any structure, equipment or system, whereby safety of persons is likely to be endangered;

g)     any accident due to explosives or radio-active substances;

h)     a collision of a helicopter or vessel with the installation;

i)       a helicopter crash;

j)       a man-overboard;

k)     a release of hydrocarbon or other noxious substances whereby safety of persons, installation or marine environment is likely to be endangered;

l)   an uncontrolled movement of vessel or object in sea whereby safety of persons onboard the offshore installation or the installation itself could be endangered; and

m)    any person present on board an offshore installation or attending vessel or helicopter is found to be missing; 

to the competent authority by electronics means and telephone and shall also within twenty-four hours of every such occurrence give notice thereof in Form 2 to the competent authority.

   (2)   If death results from any injury reported as serious under clause (a) of sub rule (1), the operator shall within twenty-four hours of his being informed about the death give notice thereof to the competent authority in Form 3.

   (3) Accidents not falling under sub-rule (1) and near miss incidents shall be reported to the competent authority periodically, every quarter, in Form 2.

1.3 Minor incident: Any incident not falling under any of the categories of major incident.

1.4      Near miss:

a)  Any incident which does not result in any injury or damage to property but has the potential to result in injury and/or property damage.

b) An undesirable event, if not timely controlled, would have led to a major/ minor incident.

1.5 Hi-Po (High Potential) Near miss: The near miss that could in other circumstances, have realistically resulted in one or more fatalities. 

1.6     Lost Time (Man-days):  The total number of days for which the injured person (including contract workmen) was temporarily disabled till he/ she resumes duty/ and/ or certified fit by qualified medical practitioner. The day on which the injury occurred or the day the injured person returned to work are not to be included. However, all intervening calendar days (including Sundays or days off or days of unit/ installation shut down) are to be included. If after resumption of work, the person injured is again disabled for any period arising out of the injury which caused his/ her earlier disablement, the period of such subsequent disablement is also to be included in the lost time.

Lost time accident shall be monitored till the injured person joins duty. In case the injured person is yet to join the duty, then the status of report submitted will be preliminary. Final report against the same incident shall be sent once the person joins duty and the man-days lost is known. (Reference: IS-3786 and OSHA 29 CFR Part 1904 section 1904.7(b) (3)(ii) and (iii)) 

In case the injured person has been transferred to any other job (other than one, he was performing on the day of incident) and/ or removed from the job, the lost time man-days should be counted till he/ she is certified fit by qualified medical practitioner or 180 man-days whichever is minimum.

1.7 Unsafe act: Unsafe act is any act that deviates from a generally recognized safe way or specified method of doing a job and which increases the probabilities of an incident.

1.8Unsafe condition: Any condition or situation (electrical, chemical, biological, physical, mechanical and/or environmental) which increases the risks and dangers of incident can be called as unsafe condition.

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