The latest revised editions of OISD standards (June 2024 edition) can be obtained by registering in the OISD website ( ).

The applicable cost of OISD Safety standards and GST @  5% is as given below:

Sr. No. Description In INR In USD
1. Sale of single standard 2000.00
(Two Thousand Only) plus GST 100.00
Total Rs 2100.00
for each standards
(One Hundred Only) plus GST 5.00
Total USD 105.00
for each standards
2. Sale of standards - Full Set (containing all standards) 25000.00
(Twenty Five Thousand Only) plus GST 1250.00
Total Rs 26250.00
for complete set of standards
(One Thousand Only) plus GST 50.00
Total USD 1050.00
for complete set of standards


After registration, the application for the purchase of the required standards maybe submitted. The payments of the purchases may be made online.

The invoice purchased standards and other details will be made available to the relevant registered user in the website itself, which maybe downloaded by the user.

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