Well Integrity Workshop

Panna-Mukta-Tapti well integrity management system during operation phase by Mr.Sandeep Nayak, BGEPIL.
Case study uncontrolled gas flow from a temporarily abandoned subsea well by M. Sanjay Bhatt of ONGC Crisis Management Team.
Long term cement integrity  an approach for prevention of SCP problems by Mr. B K Gupta of Drilling services ONGC.
Cement slurry design considerations for HPHT wells by Mr. K M Suyan of IDT,ONGCX.
Case study uncontrolled multiple surface gas leakage by Dr. K Saikia, Oil India Limited.
Practices followed to ensure well integrity during workover operations in Oil India Limited by Mr. Sanjay Verma of OIL.
Analysis of tubing  annulus integrity of wells – case study of 90 wells of Assam  Mr. Ajay Kumar, Assam Asset., ONGC.
Planning of HPHT wells in western offshore India by Mr. Atanu Bhattacharjee of IDT, ONGC.
Top hole drilling hazards and historical consequences – Lessons learnt and future stratagies by Mr. V K Gupta of IDT, ONGC.
API Standard 53 an overview by Mr. Stven Hand of Transocean
Management of casing annulus pressures by Mr. Mike Tolan of Cairn India Limited
Well integrity assurance reservoir related by Dr. Kewal Krishan and Mr. Satish Chandra of ONGC.
Geo-mechanical considerations for safe drilling of ERD wells in Bassien field by integrating petrophysical data with other data by Dr. Y D Koushik of ONGC.
Log based Geo-mechanical earth modeling for well stability by Mr. R R Tiwari of CEWELL, ONGC.

Case study Uncontrolled flow of gas from an onshore well dyring workover operation by Mr. Ajay Dixit.

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